Family adopting kids from foster care
May 20, 2019: Congratulations to the Martinez family ! Raymond James Matthew and Tiana Nicole Angel became official members of the Martinez family. Raymond and Tiana have been in the Martinez home for 2 years and 9 months. This was their second adoption hearing. The first was denied – which was especially difficult for the children who were very upset, fearing that they wouldn’t be adopted and that somehow it was their fault. Today was a great day of celebration for all the family members. ”It’s wonderful and the whole family is glad the fight is over,” said Mrs. Martinez. “It’s like a weight has been lifted and all the stress went away.” The family stressed the importance of having a strong Child Placement Team at SKSF to support them during these past years, and knowing they are a part of a bigger family! Everyone at Special Kids Special Families wishes them the very best!