SKSF Team Heroes win 1st Place during Regional bowling tournament
October 5, 2024, Colorado Springs, CO – It was a fun filled day during the Special Olympics Colorado Southeast Regional Bowling Tournament held in Pueblo, Colorado. Athletes from all across the region came together to showcase their skills and compete in this exciting popular sport! SKSF Team Heroes worked hard practicing leading up to the event. SKSF athletes aimed for strikes and spares as they strived for their personal best on the lanes. SKSF Team Heroes included athletes Ciara Patrick, Lafayette Brady, Jion Fenner and Johnny Vanderpool including Team Leaders Kevin Porter, Shkak Yousuf, Linda Goodman and David Bell which assisted at the lanes, helped with scorekeeping and supported ramp bowlers. Their hard practice paid off and led Team SKSF Heroes to receive FIRST PLACE ribbons! Out of 89 requests, SKSF was thrilled to announce that they were the recipient of a 500 dollar grant from the Soule Family Foundation. With this grant, SKSF was able to purchase uniforms and use for equipment and transportation expenses. This was a day filled with inspiring competition and made a significant impact to everyone involved where everyone shined! SKSF is grateful for this opportunity and looks forward to moving on to the State competition in November!