Special Kids Special Families will hold its 16th Annual Bowl for the Green Bowl-A-Rama fundraiser at King Pin Lanes on 3410 N Academy Blvd on Saturday, March 15th from 2:00-4:30pm. Because it’s St. Patrick’s Day themed, we encourage bowlers to don their Irish green. The Colorado Springs community, SKSF staff, clients, families and local businesses look forward to this event every year. All proceeds will help support SKSF programs for children, adults and seniors with disabilities and their families. Contest and drawing prizes will be awarded throughout the event. Form your team of 3-5 bowlers and register online TODAY as lanes are limited! Please help support a great cause and have fun while doing it! All ages and abilities are welcome!

DATE: Saturday, March 15th
TIME: 2:00pm – 4:30pm
LOCATION: King Pin Lanes
3410 N Academy Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO
Do I need to collect pledges in addition to my admission? It’s not required, but since this is a fundraiser, we are trying to raise as much money for our programs as we can. We highly encourage that every registered bowler at least collects $25 in pledges. You can collect pledges and fill out a PLEDGE FORM or you can have people pledge/donate for you or your team ONLINE. Just click on the MAKE A PLEDGE/DONATE button below. There will be a prize given to the top individual that raises the most pledges!
HELP US SPREAD THE WORD! Print out the flyer below and share at your place of business, pass to a friend or family member or share on social media! Thank you for helping us spread the word about this FUN event! PRINT FLYER